For Dutch TNT both National and International shipments the below information is sufficient. For special delivery requests, please ask us or check yourself at the website of FedEx, UPS or DHL.
Each shipment will be surcharged with max. $ 1,- Dollar or € 1,- Euro for Administration,
Careful packing and Packaging material.
Dutch buyers need to know the following:
Standard packages within The Netherlands up to 10 Kilo’s cost: € 8,- Euro.
(Why?....well pricing for private clients of TNT is € 6,20 Euro. But business clients have to pay
taxes/BTW on top of standard shipping. Knowing that….it gives you the following calculation:
(6,20 + 19% Tax/BTW = 7,38 +0,62 handling/packaging material = 8,-)
Helpful guide: The following prices are the normal and most common shipping rates we use for
shipping out our packages. If you have interest in our products try to imagin its weight,
including the shipping box and use the below pricing:
Packages up to 10 Kilo: | € 8,- |
We also offer letter post at wish and if possible.
0-500 g.: | 15,- US$ |
500 g.- 2 kilo: | 25,- US$ | Registered Priority Shipping: (With track & trace option. No other option available.) |
0 - 2 kilo: | 36,- US$ |
2 - 5 kilo: | 51,- US$ |
NOTE: We ONLY ship out after your purchase has been fully paid for.